Thursday, January 10, 2008

Forced Top Ten List

Fine here is my forced with 5 minutes of thought top ten list in no particular order.

1. Food; i had to go with one generic food listing or 8 of the 10 would have been food related. basically Thai, Indian, BBQ and Breakfast and in that order. Sometimes Thai and Indian will switch and sometimes BBQ and Breakfast will switch.

2.Family; This thanksgiving to Christmas time was outstanding. it seemed every week we had a brunch or dinner or something going on with some family member somewhere. brunch at Milli's, dinner with Gary and Mary, shopping with Mom and Renee. i know it was stressful on some of you but for me it is fun. waking up at 4:00 to bake and prep is just part of the holiday bliss!

3. I am a Dad! i can't even begin to explain how much i love being Dad. when i get home at night Quinn's face light up as he yells DAAADDY HOME!, it makes everything worthwhile. Seeing things through his eyes as he discoverers the world, watching Quinn as he explores, conducts physics and chemistry experiments. yes Quinn gravity does affect you and your things. best thing i have ever done, if i knew it was gonna be this much fun i would have claimed all those other kids a long time ago.

4. My Wife. there was a time (long long time ago) i would have never thought being a husband would have ever made my top ten. Thanks Kelly you have help me become a better person. ( i had to put this one in cus she has my family jewels in a lock box)

5.Quiet House. Sure it does not happen very much and i am glad it doesn't BUT when it does happen it is soooooo nice!

6.New Whitey Tightie's. what can i say somethings go without needing an explanation. i will load a picture when i can get Kelly to take one. then you can all see what i mean.

7. Video Games. oldie but a goodie. i don't have a lot of time for this anymore but nothing satisfies like shooting a teenager in the face with your computer shotgun. currently i like DOD, Half life 2 and World of Conflict. and it needs to be stated that POGO is from the devil. only 13 year old's, pedophiles and my sister currently play POGO. Larisa why do you support pedophiles?

8. My New Sweater. i got a sweater for Christmas from Kelly's mom. it is made by Geoffry somebody, don't know him but it is the perfect sweater. maybe it is more like a pull over jacket. i am calling it my SUJ (sport utility jacket). i wore about 6 days in a row, i only took it off because Kelly told me i would wear it out if i didn't. Hey Milli where did you get it and who is this Geoff guy?

9. Saturday Mornings. wake up early, have coffee, watch some TV news or sportscenter. house is quite. Quinn wakes up we have Breakfast, play a little bit, get dressed, get the dog and head out to the park. does it get any better? i don't know, but it is best to get to the park early, that way you don't have to pick up the dog or son droppings when they happen.

10. Global Warming. that's right i love global warming. i have no hair but i use hairspray everyday. sometimes i just start the car for the fun of it and leave it on all night. i eat beef and keep my house temperature in the low 80's. i have bought 25 years worth of incandescent lights and destroyed every fluorescent light in the house. why do you ask? because the tears of ecodorks taste like honey and cures cancer. "but but but your killing penguins" good bye penguins, i always thought you were the worst bat man villain anyway.

so there you go my top ten. next week will be the top ten hates. i am sure it will be way more entertaining.


Living the Dream said...

Most of that list is very sweet Lonnie. Kelly must be a very sweet and patient woman. When does baby #2 arrive?

LONNBAD said...

sweet yes patient... hmmm kelly patient NO! baby 2 is supposed to be middle of march but mom laid her hands on kelly's belly and pronounced that the baby is coming out end of march (you know i hate it when mom is right). We dont have a name yet.i don't want a "whore" name and kelly does not want a "girlie" name.

Do the Puyallup said...

I am pleasantly surprised by your top 10- our little man is growing up (wiping a tear from my eye). I am sure that I am perfectly capable of seeing your new tighty whities in my own head, picture not necessary!!!! That vision needs to go away. As to your global warming fetish... you need help.

Do the Puyallup said...

Oh, and as to POGO, Michelle plays it too. We do not talk to the pedophiles, we are there for the challenge only, and pretending that I really have won over $100,000. Hey, that would be good for pretend shopping!!!

LONNBAD said...

hey larisa look Nicci thinks Kelly is patient hahahaha

Living the Dream said...

How about Savannah? My parents have been down to visit Joe a couple times, I would love to. I think my kids are getting old enough to enjoy it too.

Anonymous said...

Nice 10, it sounds like you and Quinn are good buddies. watching your kids do something new is wonderful. Also-
Whats your prob with POGO-it sounds as if you have had a bad experience with the best place on the web to make friends.

LONNBAD said...

so anonymous likes POGO huh? well Mr Anonymous; if that is your real name, i think you are a devil POGO plant!

your right though #10 is a good one, did i mention i only buy take out in Styrofoam contaners? take that Dolphins!

Do the Puyallup said...

Who is anonymous? HHMMMMM...